About Us

The Tech Club – Dragonfly, stands as a true beacon, illuminating a path for students to come together, collaborate, and delve into the ever-evolving realm of technology. It's more than just a club; it's a dynamic platform where coding prowess transforms from theoretical understanding to practical application, seamlessly integrating classroom knowledge with real-world challenges.​

Our vision extends beyond technology alone. We're laying the foundation for a diverse club that embraces students with various interests, creating a familial atmosphere that not only propels academic achievement but also nurtures practical skills and unleashes creativity. In this vibrant space, our planned activities, from workshops to excursions and service projects, promise students a holistic experience that transcends the confines of traditional learning.

What makes the Tech Club truly awe-inspiring? It's a journey of exploration and innovation shared with peers who share your passion. Joining this community isn't just about gaining technical know-how; it's about acquiring skills that redefine your professional journey. Moreover, it's a chance to connect with fellow enthusiasts, sparking a shared zeal for collaboration and teamwork.

Meet Our Team


Firdaus Muzumdar


Ujwal Ojha


Farha Rafeeque


Krish Panchal


Zahabiya Tawawala

Head of Development Team

Chanchal Valmiki

Social Media Supervisor

Himanshu Vishwakarma

Head of Content Team

Sujith Leo

Head of HR Team

Farahnaaz Lashkar

Event Head